Friday, December 12, 2008


"MY LOVE" is doing AWESOME and looks SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I have to say that GOD as BLESSED me with an AMAZING wife. She wanted me to let everyone know that she appreciates all the prayers and that she Loves all of you. We serve an Awesome GOD with no limitations to what he can do in and for our life's. She is scheduled for a MRI today to see how much of the tumor is left. Just keep praying, and GOD will answer. I love you guys!!!!

Felix II


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it Flex. She is so beautiful and you are right that you are both blessed to have each other. The love everyone has for Megan is just pouring off your words. We'll keep praying, the doctor's will keep working and God will do the rest. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Awwww she is beautiful! God has blessed both of you with eachother! Love you guys!


Kelley said...

Good to hear from you, Felix! Take good care of her, like I know you will. :)

Anonymous said...

We love you too are an awesome husband. Psalm 112 is definitely lived out in you. Your big ole heart has been exposed-we know the truth. You have a marshmallow hiding in there.....

Kiss your angel for us, until we can get over there and kiss both of your for ourselves.

We are rejoicing with you.

Eric and Amy Pace said...

We will be praying for good news for you and your beautiful wife, Megan, take care Felix, I am sure this has been tough on you, hug your girls too!

Anonymous said...

You need to know, you too, are in our prayers. You are being a rock. We all appreciate you sharing your wife w/ us- allowing us to gather around her, even to get in your way. (We can be a bit selfish at times!) We love you all! Kisses and hugs!
Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

Felix, you are an awesome husband and father. We know you will take good care of your dear sweet Megan. We send our love and prayers.
Candace and Arnold

Rufus Guebara III said...

I want to share with you something that has helped and continues to help me:

Excerpts from The Power of Praying Husband By Stormie Omartian:

I once saw a football game where the home team was losing and there were less than 15 seconds left in the game. They needed a touchdown to win, but everything was against them making a score in that amount of time. The game appeared to be over, and the opposing team and fans were already celebrating. Some people were even leaving the stadium. But the losing team and coach didn’t give up or let their morale fail. Instead they pulled an unlikely play out of their book, and through the most astonishing sequence of events, the home team made a winning touchdown in the last few seconds of the game. It was so amazing that news reports of it even referred to it as a miracle.

Your marriage is like that football game. You and your wife are a team. And she wants the security of knowing that when things are tough and down to the wire–even when the enemy is already celebrating your demise and all appears to be lost–you have the faith to believe that up to the very last second everything can turn around. She needs the assurance you have a play in your pocket that can take you down the field with the ball for a possible winning score. She wants you to trust that with God nothing is impossible, and because of that you will never give up hoping for the impossible to happen.

When your wife knows you are praying, she is confident of all of these things.

Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Show me where my attitude and thoughts are not what You would have them to be, especially toward my wife. Convict me when I am being unforgiving. Help me to let go of any anger, so that confusion will not have a place in my mind. If there is behavior in me that needs to change, enable me to make changes that last. Whatever You reveal to me, I will confess to You as sin. Make me a man after Your own heart. Enable me to be the head of my home and family that You created me to be.

Lord, show me how to really cover (wife’s name) in prayer. Enable me to dwell with her with under-standing and give honor to her so that my prayers will not be hindered (1 Peter 3:7). Renew our love for one another. Heal any wounds that have caused a rift between us. Give me patience, understanding, and compassion. Help me to be loving, tenderhearted, and courteous to her just as You ask me in Your Word (1 Peter 3:8). Enable me to love her the way that You do.

Lord, I pray that You would bring (wife’s name) and me to a new place of unity with one another. Make us be of the same mind. Show me what I need to do in order to make that come about. Give me words that heal, not wound. Fill my heart with Your love so that what overflows through my speech will be words that build up, not tear down. Convict my heart when I don’t live Your way. Help me to be the man and husband that You want me to be.

Felix, be encouraged my brother! And always remember, "even as she sleeps, her heart is still awake"! (Song of Solomon 5:2)

The Guebara's (wife Tabitha & almost 2 year old Genevieve) loves and are in constant prayer for you and your family!

Rufus III

Anonymous said...

Felix, We are praying daily...hourly for Megan, you, the kids, and extended family. Stay strong! When you guys are back home we want to come visit! She is such a STRONG WOMAN!!!!
~Amber and Casey

Matt Rasch said...

We are praying!