Megan has tossed the turban and is on her way home!!! She will have to take it easy, but she is going to be much more comfortable at the house, then at the hospital. She will have to go back in on Wednesday for a consultation and a meeting with Dr. Lang and a few more Dr's. She is now entering phase 2 of the treatment where they will work on keeping the tumor cells at bay or allow God to make them melt away. The words " She is coming home" were sweet to my ears. Dad had to take a moment to gather himself, and give the good Lord a big high five!!
yay!!! you are going home. call me after you rest and rest and rest and rest some more... just know that i miss you and love you.
You are the only woman I know who could have a half-shaved head and still look like a runway model! Get lots of rest.
Arnold & Candace
Dearest Megan! You look like your beautiful self & where you should be in the vehicle! Our God is so good & He's not through yet! How sweet of the doctor to 'order' a hair washing! Not many men realize how important that is. I thought maybe you should cut the hair-short, but, heck, you look beautiful as is! Love, GPat
Dear Megan,
You probably dont really know who I am, but I have been praying for you. I have been amazed watching you from this blog site. Your peace, trust, and bravery has swept me away! You are amazing, love you so much. I will keep and eye on the site and mail you a letter. Everyone in my worship team, fusion group, and my wonderful youth group has been praying for you and asking about you! I love you and I am praying for you! - Kendall Lloyd (Kenny)
I'm glad you feel a lot better. I know God Blessed you and we were praying for you. You look so pretty. I remember when you worked in youth and I went with my mom and dad. I thought you and Felix were the coolest! Love Zach Escobar
Just wanted to let you know that you have been in my prayers, and I am happy that you are home with your babies.
Christine Lowry
WOOHOO!!! once again! We are so very happy that you are home.. rest up and get well.. we are looking forward to seeing a blog from you soon!
Ross and Charity
Yeah! So glad you are home! Rest well, we will schedule to bring food soon!
I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. When my mom called me, and told what was going on I was really shaken up. When you feel up to it you should give me a call. Me, Jennifer, Kadence, and Jace have been praying for you every night. Jace, who is three now, will not let us finish our supper time prayer without making sure that we have asked God to heal you. Once again I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well.
-Ryan Annoot
So Great!!! We are very happy and awed by the greatness of what has occurred. You truly are a miracle Megan! God Bless you and your beautiful family. Take it easy but enjoy what God has given you.
With all our love, Javier and Valerie Quinones
The kids and I have been keeping close eye on this blog and thinking of you often over the last 2 weeks. It has been a beautiful gift you have given us all to watch this series of miracles unfold. Even as you struggle to find the words, your voice has been loud and clear. You and your family are a shining testimony to FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. My love to Felix and the girls…and your Mom, Dad, brothers and sister! Hope to see you soon! Rest now and heal.
Marianne and the rest of the McKinley crew
wow...i cant believe it!! you are so strong Megan! We love you and cant wait to see you when you get better!
Brad Sara Peyton and Addie Isola!
Yay!! Megan, you look absolutely gorgeous! I told you you'd look hot with a shaved head ;)
Can't wait to visit you!
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