Saturday, December 13, 2008

Walking & Talking

Megan saw Dr. Lang today and he said the MRI looked great!!! We will have to wait until Monday to get more detail, but the first news is good. They have removed the drain tube from her brain, and stitched her up. She has been approved to be moved out of ICU. We are just waiting on a room to open. As soon as she gets moved, I will let you know and post her room number. Megan was able to walk today. I figure she will be able to be home doing the dishes in no time. She was also able to read some of the Blog. She was so overwhelmed by the number of people that love her, she had to stop reading and go rest. Thank you all for your encouraging words.


Anonymous said...


Linda and I are so excited to hear about your fantastic progress since Thursday and how you're moving out of the ICU already. We've been trying to get up there, but Jonas and I have had a bad cold for the last week (and we definitely don't want to pass that on to you, on top of everything else). We will see you soon though. We just wanted to let you know that we're continuously thinking/praying for you.

We love you,
Joel, Linda, and Jonas

stork said...

This is your cousin John Stork writing from St. Louis (yes, you have a cousin John in St. Louis). Jack alerted me to this blog.

Our prayers are with you, Felix and the girls. The beginning of your fight has brought back many memories, as my dear friend Brian was diagnosed with brain cancer more than ten years ago just after he was married. He and his wife Angie are amazing people with two smiling young boys. I will send her (and her army of people with faith) your way. While their journey has been unimaginable to most, they have learned a lot about themselves, their faith and have inspired countless others along the way.

We will keep praying. Love John, Heather, Jack and Luke Stork.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! We are so thankful for every detail and gift He had AND has in place to meet your need according to His Riches in Glory. For every doctor, nurse and professional trained to understand how the body functions, for the love of your natural family and the body of Christ that prays without ceasing standing in faith watching this miracle unfold before our eyes.
The Kirshy Family

Anonymous said...

Megan we are still praying for you girl and love you
Mark and Astrid

Anonymous said...


We are so thrilled with word of your progress. Keep it up girlie!
Prayers are coming your way.

Love you to pieces,
Arn and Can

magan bagan said...

It's absolutely amazing to hear how much progress you are making already. My parents and I are thinking about and praying for you. We love you and are just in complete amazement of how far you have come.

Megan Q.

Anonymous said...

Megan and Felix,

We wish we were there to help.. i would definately love to be able to run around and make things easier for you... i'm so good at that or so everyone says.. We are SOOOOO happy that you are progressing as fast and well as you are.. you will be back in your own home so quick. We love you and think about all of you every day.

Have a great christmas

Charity Ross and the kids

Anonymous said...

You have so many who love you and are praying for you and your doctors, including our church in MN and current one here in Mitchell, a bible study of prayer warriors, the Christian Mens Business Assoc. and Promise Keepers.
Bless you Megan may you be held in His arms as He carries you through this storm.

My new favorite saying is: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Enjoy the dance!

We love you and miss you,
Brian and Barb Stork

Judy Middleton said...

Your surgery was on my birthday and I could not have wished for anything more than to have you come thru that complicated surgery as you have. It was nothing short of a fantastic miracle! There are just no words that can describe how your parents and all that love you could have been feeling that day as they waited. Bill and I have kept you in our thoughts and prayers from the moment that your Grandma Elaine sent us the word. Every time that I check your progress within this blog, am just thrilled at how well you are doing. You will continue to be in our prayers sweetie and soon you will just be prayed right on home and back to your family.

Bill and Judy in VA

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you! Praise the Lord for your successful surgery. We will continue to pray for a quick recovery for you. We love you, The Herndon Family

Eric and Ginny said...

Hey Megan
A big Amen from your friends in Cambodia, Your are a true warrior, eating thous chicken nuggets those this are bad for your health. We are thankful for your pressing into the presence of God during this time, "You have truly seen the Goodness of God in the land of the living"psalms 27
Eric and Ginny