Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thanks Just Does Not Cut It

This morning I am almost over whelmed with joy. As I think through the process I am almost in shock with what has happened. First, thanks be to God for all of the people and events He put into motions. It starts with Dr. Justin Brown & wife Karen. He gathered the information about the tumor and made a call to Dr. Lang. Yesterday we met all day with Dr's and nurses. At each session they too, were blown away. Dr. after Dr. and nurse after nurse all confirmed that what Dr. Lang did was incredible. In the meeting with Dr. Lang he used the term that he cheated a little bit. I have always said, "if you aint cheatin you aint tryin". What the team at MD Anderson confirmed is that if we would have gone to just about any other hospital, or to any other Dr., they would have most likely said, it was in-operable. The tumor was so inter twined with the blood vessels that feed that side of the brain the risk of complications was very high. IN some places Dr. Lang had to leave tumor on the vessels to keep from harming them. The MD Anderson team was pretty impressed that Megan had close to 100% of her facilities after the surgery. The word recall will take a little work and time, but she will return to 100% over the next 6 months, in the mean time she will get by. An example of her getting by happened in the hospital. Felix was asking her if she wants some french toast. She had no idea what french toast was. When Felix tried to explain, and she could not process it, she said "just bring me some damn pancakes. LOL!! She is going to do fine!! Thanks to the countless that are helping with meals, childcare, house work, errands & food drivers. I can't find words to tell you how we feel and to know this too shall pass, your involvement makes it all so much more bearable. THANK YOU!!

Paul, Marion, Felix, Megan, Jared, Jonathan & Hannah


Anonymous said...


We have witnessed some incredible testimonies of God's grace and mercy and favor together. Just when you think He can't do any better, there God goes showing off again. The most amazing thing to hear is that Megan's personality hasn't changed a bit. I can hear her telling Felix "to get me some damn pancakes" and see her set her jaw as she tries so hard to recall a word that is eluding her. May this be the most memorable Christmas ever, Dr Lang already unwrapped the present!

kendall.micayla said...

WOW! That is awesome. God does some pretty crazy stuff! I love you guys so much. -Kendall Lloyd

Anonymous said...

What a great Christmas you guys are going to have. The very Savior we celebrate this season has given His greatest gift of healing and appointed His angels (Dr. Lang and others) over Megan and this whole family. Love hearing all the good reports ya'll. Love you you behave yourself and do exactly as the dr's say. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO A AWSOME FAMILY YA'LL


Sandy Brockhausen

Anonymous said...

We love you guys! What a testament of faith! I am amazed by that little girl of yours - what an inspiration!