Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Learning So Much

We are learning so much about Megan, and what she is going through. She has to be so careful not to stimulate the brain. Things like talking, watching TV, noise, kids screaming, talking on the phone, all cause her to be uncomfortable. It does not have to be that loud either and it still causes discomfort. We are so thankful for all the help that is pouring in. It allows her to have time to recover in quiet. The best thing for Megan at this point is to be up and walking around, but at the same time she needs to be quiet. The ranch is a great place for this. Dr. Lang said it will take a couple of months to get back to normal. He does not want her to just lie around the house. He said she needs to be up and walking, doing light work and moving. For the next couple of weeks we will give her as much quiet time as we can, but not allow her to sleep all day. None of that on the ranch. I wonder if she could mow, or if that would be too loud. Maybe some ear plugs or a scythe. Better check with the Doc. on that one. Thanks again for all that you are all doing!!

1 comment:

Lloyd Family said...

Paul, you're so funny. I'll never forget our first time at your house for growth group ages ago- what you told us about how "tough yer wife was" - I'm sure you'll yield to wisdom with the mower! I'm so glad you posted again. I was wondering how her first day home was!