Megan had another MRI this week. Marion took her in on Tuesday then went back for more of the Cognitive Testing on Wednesday, and to meet with Megan's Dr's for a review of the MRI. They continue to do the Cognitive Testing and will monitor her scores. It seems that if there is something wrong it will show up in loss of memory and lack of function with her motor skills first. This will give them an indication something may be wrong and to jump into high gear. Megan did great, but was a little concerned because Marion and Megan stayed at Marcia's Tuesday night. They were up late, then had to get up early and be back at the hospital. She thought she may have scored a little lower just because she was tired. The MRI showed NO CHANGE!!! Yahooo!!! I didn't get to go so I did not get as much detail as I wanted, but bottom line is she did great. Radiation put the skids on things and we are believing for a total healing!!! The cavity where the tumor was had blood in it right after the surgery. Yesterday the results showed that the body had absorbed all the blood, and the cavity is now filled with spinal fluid. She has another MRI scheduled for 2 months down the road, and the testing will start all over. Dr. Lang took a look at the MRI and told Megan, "she is doing great!!" He is a great guy and gave Megan a hard time about her hair loss. She has a great relationship with Dr. Lang and likes him. Dr. Pudavalli said, "things look great, and its time for her to live again." He told Megan, "we have removed the tumor, treated the tumor, and now its time for her to go home, and be a mother to her children, and wife to her husband, and not worry about this thing any more. See you in two months!!" Thank God for His mighty hand, and for the Dr's he used to help Megan through this!! Thank all of you for praying. Please continue to pray for a total healing, and that her MRI in June looks even better.
Go Megan! I am still praying for you, we love you! :)
WHOOO HOOOO!! What great news! Our prayers will continue for you.
Love you,
Arnold and Candace
Little Rock
What a GOOD FRIDAY to hear this news. Love you!
Awesome....but I knew that when I saw her. Our Megan is as she always was....a little sarcasm, a lot of laughter, a little more sass and a whole lotta love....what more could you ask for? We serve a great GOD
Praise the Lord...
we rejoice with you...May the Joy
of the Lord be your strength..
lee and karin
I love good news! Praise god Megan! We are still standing with you in faith for this never to come back. Bless you in Jesus name!
Matt and Christy
Megan, great news! So glad for you and your family. Standing with you for this to be completed. God's best to you!
Matt and Christy
Thankyou Jesus, for his loving care over you, Megan ! Well, it looks like it's back to chasing kids, but oh, what joy to be able to do so ! The Watts are praying ! We love you and yours !!! Proud of Felix too, as he has walked these months out with you in such steadiness.
Megan, Chris has a college friend that has recently been Dx with a brain tumor. She is a believer. Her name is Christie Wulf. She's married and has a toddler. Chris was emailing with her and told her about you. Here's a copy of the email and her address, if you are interested. No pressure for you to do anything...you may not be up to it. Love, Cindy Watts
Thanks Chris... sorry I didn't get to this in time, but she is welcome to my email - christi.wulf@gmail.com
If she's on facebook feel free to suggest her as a friend.
I'm so honored to have so many praying for me. Thanks so much for putting me on the prayer lists. We're going to need it. Even though we know God has GOT this, it's going to be a hard road. I'll be praying for Megan as well and I look forward to hearing from her if she wants a tumor pen-pal :
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