Megan rang out last Friday to signify her last day of treatment. The bell is rung by all who finish radiation at MD Anderson in Richmond. On the bell there is an inscription that reads:
Ring This Bell
Three Times Well
It's Toll To Clearly Say
My Treatments Done
This Course is Run
And, I Am On My Way!!
It was met with huge fan fair, with about 20 of Megan's closest friends and family in the waiting area. When Megan went in for her treatment, there were about 6 of us in the room. When she came out they were calling for crowd control. She is truly done, and on her way!! She did not feel many side effects during the treatment but since has been experiencing some fatigue and nausea. We need to continue to pray for her total healing and strength.
Cant wait to see you next weekend. I am excited to admire your Brain Tumor Chic hair cut....and wrap my arms around you and hug you for an hour.
love you so much
Go Megan! :)
i saw the video that Amy posted on facebook.......that is so awesome!!
Oh so very wonderful that the bell has been rung ! We pray daily for you, sweet Megan. You have run this race with courage and faith...and with 2 of the cutest little girl pops running with you. :) Lots and Lots of Love to you, Felix, and the girls...and of course to your parent people. Cindy & Mike W.
Hi ya'll,
Megan I am so proud of you. You have truly run this race with such grace, faith and courage. Now we wait for God to finish His healing process which will show up on your next MRI I believe!!!
Blessings & Hugs,
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