Wednesday, September 9, 2009
All Is Well
Megan just got out of her Dr. appointment and the Dr's are saying everything looks great!!! At the last appointment they saw a grey area that was not there last time, and they wanted to see her in 6 weeks. They suspected it was scar tissue from the radiation treatments, but wanted to keep an eye on her. Today they told her they are going to move her back to appointments every 3 months. Once she gets 2 or 3 of those behind her then she can go to 4 months. Her spirits are high and she is doing well. She has more energy now, but the girls keep her on her toes and running. Thanks for all your prayers, keep them coming.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Prayer & Support
Megan has another MRI Scheduled for September 8th, and a review of the results on the 9th. She is a little tired these days. The kids are a lot to handle, and she gets tired very easy. Marion & Hannah try to pitch in when they can, and the kids like to spend time with Nani, but she is not there on most days. Marion has been working at the office doing daily work, so Megan has been on her own. If anyone feels moved to take the kids for a couple of hours please feel free to call her. Please pray for strength, and for a good outcome of her next MRI.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Joyful Hearts!!!

Megan had a check up MRI a few weeks ago and the Dr. saw a new spot, and they are not quite sure what it is. It could have been there in the past, and they just missed it. It could also be scar tissue from the radiation treatments. The spot is in a different area than where her tumor was, but is in an area that received radiation. We are pretty sure it is just scar tissue, but we will be watching things close. The Dr told Megan to go home and relax and not to worry about it. He wants to see her in 8 weeks and they will look at again to see if there is any change.
On a fun note!!! Megan was told by her Radiation Dr. that she would most likely not get any hair back after radiation. Megan told her she was wrong, and that God was going to make sure it grew back. When Megan went in for her weekly treatment, and saw the Dr., she would tell Megan to be ready not to have hair. Megan would tell her, she is not receiving the words she is speaking over her. Megan told the Dr. when her hair grew back, she was going to come back, and show her what God did. When Megan went back to show her, she was blown away. She kept looking at it, and telling Megan she was so surprised she had hair coming back in. Not only is it coming back, there is an area that is coming in slower and a little thinner then the rest of her hair. The area that is coming in slower and shorter is in the shape of a heart. We all feel that this is a sign from God showing Megan how much He loves her and that he is in control.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
All is Well
Hey everyone..Marion here..I've had a lot of requests to update the blog a little more often..since Paul stays so busy, I thought I'd try to help him out! Just wanted to let everyone know that yesterday went well..and we were very relieved when we left the hospital! The doctor reassured Megan this had NOTHING to do with her tumor..and she needed to stop thinking about that for now..and just get on with living!! They did some blood work, and concluded that Megan is probably anemic! She needs to go to a regular doctor..for more blood work, and then possibly medication to treat it..or we thought we'd just start eating a lot more steak and spinach!! Megan says only if Paul is grilling! The doctor also thought that Megan had caught the virus that her girls have had, which caused her to run a low-grade fever for 3 days..and robbed her of all her energy! (the girls, and THEIR energy, are also a big reason for her fatigue!!...I know they can wear me out!!) But again, he reassured her this was not related to her tumor, or the radiation, which was great news for her.. and I think she felt way better when we left just knowing that! She even had a bit of an appetite, so I took her out for lunch! Thanks to everyone for their prayers, it means so much to us to know she is being lifted up to her Father by so many! I'll try to keep y'all updated a little more often, you know I like to chat!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Megan Needs Prayer
Megan and Marion are at MD Anderson this morning. Megan has been experiencing fatigue, in a big way. She is finding it very hard to do just little tasks around the house. She did so well with the radiation, and did not get tired. She had very few side effects. They told us that she would get very tired about 3 weeks after the radiation treatments. It has been much longer then that, but we are praying this is normal, and that is all it is. Please help me by praying she gets her energy back and that all is fine!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Megan had another MRI this week. Marion took her in on Tuesday then went back for more of the Cognitive Testing on Wednesday, and to meet with Megan's Dr's for a review of the MRI. They continue to do the Cognitive Testing and will monitor her scores. It seems that if there is something wrong it will show up in loss of memory and lack of function with her motor skills first. This will give them an indication something may be wrong and to jump into high gear. Megan did great, but was a little concerned because Marion and Megan stayed at Marcia's Tuesday night. They were up late, then had to get up early and be back at the hospital. She thought she may have scored a little lower just because she was tired. The MRI showed NO CHANGE!!! Yahooo!!! I didn't get to go so I did not get as much detail as I wanted, but bottom line is she did great. Radiation put the skids on things and we are believing for a total healing!!! The cavity where the tumor was had blood in it right after the surgery. Yesterday the results showed that the body had absorbed all the blood, and the cavity is now filled with spinal fluid. She has another MRI scheduled for 2 months down the road, and the testing will start all over. Dr. Lang took a look at the MRI and told Megan, "she is doing great!!" He is a great guy and gave Megan a hard time about her hair loss. She has a great relationship with Dr. Lang and likes him. Dr. Pudavalli said, "things look great, and its time for her to live again." He told Megan, "we have removed the tumor, treated the tumor, and now its time for her to go home, and be a mother to her children, and wife to her husband, and not worry about this thing any more. See you in two months!!" Thank God for His mighty hand, and for the Dr's he used to help Megan through this!! Thank all of you for praying. Please continue to pray for a total healing, and that her MRI in June looks even better.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ring The Bell

Megan rang out last Friday to signify her last day of treatment. The bell is rung by all who finish radiation at MD Anderson in Richmond. On the bell there is an inscription that reads:
Ring This Bell
Three Times Well
It's Toll To Clearly Say
My Treatments Done
This Course is Run
And, I Am On My Way!!
It was met with huge fan fair, with about 20 of Megan's closest friends and family in the waiting area. When Megan went in for her treatment, there were about 6 of us in the room. When she came out they were calling for crowd control. She is truly done, and on her way!! She did not feel many side effects during the treatment but since has been experiencing some fatigue and nausea. We need to continue to pray for her total healing and strength.
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