This week Megan and I had a great trip to her treatment. We meet with the Dr. on Tuesdays, so I get to find out all the details. The Dr. and all the nurses said Megan is doing VERY VERY WELL!!! They all used very two or three times when they said how she was doing, and none of them heard the other. She has had NO! symptoms, other then the loss of a little hair. Her brother Jared said "Welcome to my world". Hair will grow back!!! Well for Megan anyway...sorry Jared... you can blame the Roberts side for that hair thing. We are very excited to hear the good news, and see that she is doing so well. She has experienced none of the side effects of getting sick and tired, weak, cranky.....wait....maybe that last one. She is the Megan we all know and love. She received a quilt from Aunt June with all of the names of people who have been on the blog writing to Megan. She took the names and embroidered them into the quilt. The quilt is a beautiful patch work and says "Megan we are pray for you" and all of your names are on it. Aunt June also sent a pen so people she meets on her journey can write on it. Lola is a friend that was going through the treatments at the same time as Megan. Lola writes " Think of this storm as only a walk in the rain". I love walking through the rain with my Megan!! This is the last week of her treatments. She will then have an MRI about every 8 weeks to keep an eye on things. They have a big bell in the waiting area that the people get to ring when they are done with there treatments. Megan rings the bell on Friday at about 11am. If you would like to be there you can call Marion and get info
(832-607-6937). Please keep praying for her. The prayers are working. She is doing VERY VERY WELL!!!